
The aim of the IUC partnership is to  ensure that by 2032, Dar es Salaam residents and policy makers benefit from increased capacity of cities to address challenges that inhibit sustainability of cities (SDG 11) thanks to sustained engagement with ARU through the African Centre for Sustainable Cities Studies (ACS) which supports a more inclusive civic society through training, research and innovation as well as public service and partnerships  (SDGs 4,9 17). 

The African Centre for Sustainable Cities Studies is the backbone of the project. In the ACS, the focus will be on 5 academic domains of change and two transversal. All strategies are defined in line with SDG11 and the SDG’s in general, and all activities take the specific needs and demands of ARU and the wider society into account.  Furthermore, the activities of the 7 different subprojects will be implemented in 3 well-chosen pilot sites, building on iterative feedback loops that allow for a flexible adjustment of choices.  

By 2032 urban and rural planning authorities are equipped with new knowledge and technologies by the research team to undertake planning processes to attain sustainable urban and rural environments in Dar es Salaam and the Coast Region.

By 2032, Dar es Salaam local community have access to renewable energy, adequate and safe water,  improved sanitation as well as sustainable building materials through innovative research, training and technology transfer. 

By 2032, a diverse network of micro, small and medium agri-food entrepreneurs, with particular attention to women and youth, sustains a resilient and economically performant foodscape, while the research capacity of ARU participating departments/units and other involved learning institutions/stakeholders is strengthened through innovative research. 

By 2032, transportation regulatory authorities and road agencies are able to apply the research findings in the formulation and review of policies and guidelines to achieve a safe, inclusive and sustainable urban transport system for various users in Dar es Salaam. 

By 2032, local communities and the built environment practitioners inclusively and sustainably manage architectural heritage in Tanzania  while harnesing contemporary adaptive re-use concepts from research deployed in cultural heritage.   

By 2032, Ardhi University becomes more gender and community sensitive in its teaching, research and outreach portfolio and takes concrete measures to assure that stakeholders have access to innovative gender-sensitive & community-based approaches that help solving developmental problems. 

By 2032, ARU center of excellence in smart sustainable and inclusive cities solutions capacity programme established, open data infrastructure created, and ICT for development improved for the livelihood of community in Dar es Salaam.